Thursday, September 2, 2010


There is no literal difference between spit and saliva but sociologically there is a huge difference. If one were to spit while playing football, baseball, or soccer it would probably be 100% fine. If one were to spit while playing golf or tennis it would be totally unacceptable. Society has morphed our views of normal and abnormal, tremendously. Whether it be where we grew up, who we hang out with, what we get involved in, etc. society does affect us subconsciously and consciously. When Sal asked Chad to spit in the spoon I got so grossed out, even more when he asked him if he would eat it. That's just repulsive. I do think spitting is normal and I don't get too grossed out when people do it, but I realized that the setting and the surroundings do matter. It's funny and also lame how society has enforced upon us a way of thinking of what is normal and what isn't normal. People conform and are afraid to be considered an outlier.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Corinne! I totally agree with you saying how it is lame that society has been basically making us conforn to what they want. Everyone else is afraid to go against them because it's easier just to conform with everything and everyone then to do what you want.
