Friday, December 3, 2010


The movie we watched in class about living on minimum wage was surprising. It's really hard to do anything with just the income of 6 or 7 dollars. The reading about Barbara, the journalist experiencing the life on minimum wage was well. Her journey was definitely an adventure as she met many different people at her new jobs. The employees at the Hearthside and Jerry's living conditions were terrible. They had great trouble in making ends meet. To get out or poverty is very difficult because of the way our society and the system is set up. People's perceptions of people living in poverty is negative and they're not given much credit. People don't realize how difficult their circumstances are. When I was reading this chapter and watching the movie, I was shocked about the stories and how hard it is to live comfortably when you only get minimum wage. It made me more grateful for where I'm at and what opportunities I have.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that I am so greatful for the life that we have gotten. It's weird to think though, that it was luck of the draw. There was no way for us to pick the lives we have. It's hard to grasp the idea of the completely different lifestyles. All of this chapter has made me think a lot about how to help others. I couldn't imagine living on a minnimum wage pay check.
